【商品説明】 AmazonよりThe Enterprise is summoned to San Francisco, where excavations deep beneath the former Presidio seem to indicate an alien presence in Earth's past. Captain Picard and Data are shown artifacts dating back to the late 1800s: a pair of spectacles, a Colt 45, a watch--and Data's disembodied head! They take the artifacts back to the Enterprise for further study, and Data comes to the conclusion that sometime in the future, he will travel back to the 19th century and die. His friends among the crew are deeply shaken, especially Will Riker. However, Data is comforted by the idea of his mortality. He tells Geordi that he had always believed that as an android, he would outlive friendship after friendship, but knowing that he will die brings him one step closer to humanity. "Time's Arrow, Part I" is imaginative and very well written. Brent Spiner and Whoopie Goldberg absolutely shine. In true IDIC fashion, old San Francisco is blind to their obvious "otherness." Historical characters Samuel Clemens and Jack London weave seamlessly into the plot; and Cardassian Marc Alaimo appears as a human for once. Borg aside, this episode introduces the most effective and frightening alien race of the series. Cool things to watch for: old Los Angeles, "Mr. Pickerd," and the ophidian, a totable species. --Kayla Riggney
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Star Trek Next: Time's Arrow [VHS]
Star Trek Next Generation: Artist
AmazonよりThe Enterprise is summoned to San Francisco, where excavations deep beneath the former Presidio seem to indicate an alien presence in Earth's past. Captain Picard and Data are shown artifacts dating back to the late 1800s: a pair of spectacles, a Colt 45, a watch--and Data's disembodied head! They take the artifacts back to the Enterprise for further study, and Data comes to the conclusion that sometime in the future, he will travel back to the 19th century and die. His friends among the crew are deeply shaken, especially Will Riker. However, Data is comforted by the idea of his mortality. He tells Geordi that he had always believed that as an android, he would outlive friendship after friendship, but knowing that he will die brings him one step closer to humanity. "Time's Arrow, Part I" is imaginative and very well written. Brent Spiner and Whoopie Goldberg absolutely shine. In true IDIC fashion, old San Francisco is blind to their obvious "otherness." Historical characters Samuel Clemens and Jack London weave seamlessly into the plot; and Cardassian Marc Alaimo appears as a human for once. Borg aside, this episode introduces the most effective and frightening alien race of the series. Cool things to watch for: old Los Angeles, "Mr. Pickerd," and the ophidian, a totable species. --Kayla Riggney
(中古品)Star Trek Next: Time's Arrow [VHS]//Star Trek Next Generation: Artist/AmazonよりThe Enterprise is summoned to San Francisco, where excavations deep beneath the former Presidio seem to indicate an alien presence in Earth's past. Captain Picard and Data are shown artifacts dating back to the late 1800s: a pair of spectacles, a Colt 45, a watch--and Data's disembodied head! They take the artifacts back to the Enterprise for further study, and Data comes to the conclusion that sometime in the future, he will travel back to the 19th century and die. His friends among the crew are deeply shaken, especially Will Riker. However, Data is comforted by the idea of his mortality. He tells Geordi that he had always believed that as an android, he would outlive friendship after friendship, but knowing that he will die brings him one step closer to humanity. "Time's Arrow, Part I" is imaginative and very well written. Brent Spiner and Whoopie Goldberg absolutely shine. In true